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About this – site

This website was created by Hannah Wilson, a graduating senior in the English program at the University of Texas at Tyler in the fall 2020 term.

Specifically, this site is dedicated to a final digital portfolio-project for ENGL 4399, an independent study on the life and works of Emily Dickinson.

During this course, Hannah Wilson read two biographies on Dickinson, including My Wars Are Laid Away in Books by Alfred Habegger and White Heat: the Friendship of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson by Brenda Wineapple. She additionally read Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson, edited by Martha Nell Smith and Ellen Louise Hart, as well as The Poems of Emily Dickinson, edited by Ralph W. Franklin.

For this class, Hannah wrote weekly responses to her reading in order to begin sharing her findings and to start analyzing Dickinson at a smaller level. Building up from that, she wrote two papers over the course of the semester to make larger scholarly claims, utilizing the information she gathered from the readings and the shorter weekly response assignments.

This website serves as a portfolio of sorts, including content and research from these papers and responses in the different posts in order to show what was done over the semester so that the knowledge gained and writing done from the whole semester comes together with new content to create one giant project.

(A special thank you Dr. Ann Beebe for sponsoring this independent study! Your guidance and mentorship has meant the world to me, and I appreciate how you have always challenged me to strive for improvement no matter what. I hope that we have the chance to work together again soon.) 

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